Homoeopathy in the public health system: Outcome data from the Homoeopathic Clinic of the Campo di Marte Hospital, Lucca, Italy (1998–2010)

immagine articoli scientifici 2014Autori: Rossi E, Picchi M, Bartoli P, Panozzo M, Di Stefano M, Puglia M, Da Frè M
Rivista: Eur J Integrative Med 2014; 6: 39-47

The aim of this study was to summarize 12 years of homoeopathic clinical practice in the Homoeopathic Clinic of Lucca Public Hospital (Italy) with particular attention to socio-demographic features of the patients, distribution of different diagnoses, follow-up and clinical outcome.

Data was reviewed from 2592 consecutive patients with a variety of clinical problems between 1998 and 2010. A smaller sample of 1129 patients returning for at least one follow up visit were analysed in order to evaluate changes in their clinical symptoms as assessed by Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital Outcome Score.

The mean age of patients was 31 years, they were predominantly female and in many cases had already used conventional medicine for their diseases. The most common presentations were for symptoms concerning respiratory (29.4%), digestive tract (17%) and dermatological (14.7%) diseases. ...

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